Sponsorship Beam
mobile desktop

Premium ad available only for direct campaigns. Creative is unwinding, both in desktop as well as mobile devices.


Sponsorship Beam consist of two graphics:

  1. Large graphic (dimensions: 1920x650 px) with horizontally centered graphic #1 (dimensions: 1200x650px). Graphic #1 we can divide into two areas:

  • Creative A (dimensions: 1200x150px), visible when the website is loaded (see: yellow area below

  • Creative B (dimensions: 1200x500px), visible after a user hovers the mouse over the beam (see: light blue area below).

We recommend placing all the important information or/and graphic elements (e.g. logo, logotype, CTA etc.) within the graphic #1. Otherwise these elements might not be visible to all users due to different screen sizes, screen resolutions or browser settings.

Acceptable file formats: JPG, PNG.

Acceptable dimensions: 1920x650, 1920x75.

  1. Small graphic (dimensions: 1920x75px) with horizontally centered graphic #2 (dimensions: 1200x75px).

We recommend placing all the important information or/and graphic elements (e.g. logo, logotype, CTA etc.) within the graphic #2. Otherwise these elements might not be visible to all users due to different screen sizes, screen resolutions or browser settings..

Small graphic will be visible after user scroll down a page.

You can see the example of sponsorship beam here: EXAMPLE


Sponsors Beam consist of two graphics:

1. Large graphic (dimensions: 500x265px) with horizontally centered graphic #1 (dimensions: 300x265px)

We recommend placing all the important informations or/and graphic elements (e.g. logo, logotype, CTA etc.) within the graphic #1. Otherwise these elements might not be visible to all users due to different screen sizes, screen resolutions or browser settings.

On the right side of the creative, one will find Collapse/Expand button (dimensions: 80x30px) with transparent background. Its presence should be taken into consideration while creating the graphics.

Creative will be visible after clicking the button.

2. Small graphic (dimensions: 500x60px) with horizontally centered graphic #2 (dimensions: 300x60px).

We recommend placing all the important information or/and graphic elements (e.g. logo, logotype, CTA etc.) within the graphic #2. Otherwise these elements might not be visible to all users due to different screen sizes, screen resolutions or browser settings.

On the right side of the creative, one will find Collapse/Expand button (dimensions: 80x30px) with transparent background. Its presence should be taken into consideration while creating the graphics.

Small graphic will be visible at the very start, when website is loaded and later, while scrolling.

You can see the example of sponsorship beam here (use mobile device): EXAMPLE

Acceptable file formats: JPG, PNG

Acceptable dimensions: 500x265, 500x60

Acceptable file formats:


The number of creatives (HTML5 or jpg / png / gif) allowed for this format is 3.

  mobile tablet desktop
Acceptable dimensions 500x265 + 500x60 500x265 + 500x60 1920x650 + 1920x75
Max weight 60 KB 60 KB 150 KB